Do you like Pingo Adventure?



Pingo Adventure

Pingo Adventure is a cute 3D platformer in a physics simulated world with jiggly plants, bouncy bridge, springy rope etc.Explore the adorable & interactive 3D world from rainforest, ancient ruins to dungeon filled with hot lava and solving puzzles designed for the physics simulated environment.But that’s not all, there are mini games in between the platforming level which can be unlocked and played in the “arcade mode”.And don’t forget to customize your own Pingo with all the costumes that can be unlocked from the adventures.


Pingo Adventure

  • Developer: Orb Square Studio
  • Publisher: Orb Square Studio
  • Release date:Coming Soon
  • Genres: Action, Adventure, Indie
  • Lengueges: English
  • Available on platforms:
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